What the data reveals

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FAU/Kurt Fuchs

New Data Science course at FAU

The FAU is continuously expanding its range of courses. In the winter semester 2020/21, the new Bachelor’s program in Data Science will begin. A corresponding Master’s program will follow one year later. This makes FAU one of the few locations in Germany where students can acquire the scientific tools for preparing, evaluating and visualizing data from scratch in order to draw appropriate conclusions. Graduates with such skills are currently in great demand as specialists.

Just how omnipresent the world of data is is illustrated by some provocative questions with which prospective students are addressed on the FAU website. These are, for example: “How does Google know what I want to search for immediately?”, “Why do more items than I originally wanted to buy always end up in my Amazon shopping cart?” or “Why does fake news often spread faster than the truth?

It becomes clear that most of us use numerous internet applications in our daily lives that are based on large data streams. Data-driven approaches are also playing an increasingly important role in business and industry due to technological progress. Automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 are buzzwords that are often used in this context. However, data science is also gaining ground in logistics, in the financial and insurance sectors and in biotechnology. Read more…