Newly published: Value Sensitive Design in DH Projects
Technologies are not neutral, but promote certain values and hinder others. This also applies to technologies developed and used in the digital humanities. Therefore, these technologies require ethical investigation and classification. The approach of Value Sensitive Design allows on the one hand to systematically analyze which interests and values are inscribed in a certain technology and is at the same time a framework to develop technologies in a value sensitive way. The paper shows how Value Sensitive Design can be used as a theoretical and methodological approach in the different varieties of Digital Humanities.
Leyrer, Katharina (2021): Bye, Bye, Bias! Reviewing and designing Digital Humanities projects in an information-ethical way with Value Sensitive Design. In: Manuel Burghardt, Lisa Dieckmann, Timo Steyer, Peer Trilcke, Niels Walkowski, Joëlle Weis, and Ulrike Wuttke (eds.): Fabrication of Knowledge – Experiments in the Digital Humanities Wolfenbüttel 2021. (= Journal of Digital Humanities / Special Volumes, 5). Wolfenbüttel. DOI: 10.17175/SB005_003.
Katharina Leyrer is a collaborator in the téchnē Campus Network for Digital Humanities project and a lecturer in the department’s courses. Profile in the Department of Book Studies: